Recipes / Inspo

DIY Natural Toothpaste 18 / 03 / 18

Store bought toothpaste can be filled with many harmful chemicals and mostly come in a plastic tube, both harmful for us and the Earth! A simple DIY toothpaste can be just as effective, if not more and you can feel good, knowing that you are using safe ingredients! This simple and effective DIY toothpaste only has 3 ingredients and I think you will love it as much as I do!!


Glass jar

Melted coconut Oil (organic, cold pressed)

Bicarb (aluminium free)

Peppermint Essential Oil 


Ok, so I don't exactly use measurements, actually I don't at all haha! 

Add some melted coconut oil and bicarb to a bowl.  Add enough of each to create quite a runny paste, as it will become harder overtime (in the warmer months add less coconut oil and colder months add more) Once you have a good consistency and enough to fill your jar, add the peppermint. To this size jar, I used 10 drops of peppermint essential oil, start with less, then taste and add more if desired! 

I have also added bentonite clay to my DIY toothpaste in the past. If you want to try this, just use half bicarb and half clay.  You can also add natural sweetener powders, but I prefer to keep it simple! 

Coconut Oil: Kills nasty bacteria, gives a smoothness feeling to your teeth! My teeth feel smooth all day!

Bicarb: Mild abrasive, removes grit. Its also alkaline, which helps to neutralise excess acid in the mouth. 

Bentonite Clay: Draws toxins (don't use if you have silver fillings)

Peppermint Oil: Anti-bacterial, freshens!


Jasmine x

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